BSEtec Launched the Ultimate Udemy Clone – Online Education Marketplace

Rolling out a new product and its versions always add relish to the BseTec team. Our zealous uphill battle to create a fantastic flawless product has borne the real fruit today. This time, we have developed the ultimate online education marketplace, the EXPERT PLUS, which is the perfected Udemy clone. We are in a cloud nine states to announce the launch of the truly innovative Udemy clone script, which can be effortlessly managed by an inexperienced person. Let us sneak into the striking features of Expert Plus script: Read How to Build a Udemy Clone – ExpertPlus § Any number of courses can be added § Bootstrap Responsive layout § Social sharing § Instructor credits § Latest tools for learning (Audio, Video and Quiz) § Course discussion § Course certificate § SEO friendly § Coupon management § Video converter (ffmpeg) § Multiple payment gateways § Multiple lang...