How much does it cost to make an educational app in 2022?


The education system has been improved a lot over time. Technology has changed the way we learn and teaches us new things. In 2022, students are learning through a number of new mediums. Technology has changed the education sector in a positive way. The achievement of students, who are using mobile devices for learning has increased considerably. The virtual interaction between the students, teachers, and the institutes has enabled the students to get better knowledge about their courses. An educational app works as a virtual bridge between them.

Emerging technologies in education 

The modern world is full of changes and chances for people with a positive mindset. Today’s era is a time when new technologies and inventions are changing the way we live. The basic trends in education include multi-language learning apps, projects related to programming, gamification, and digital education. With emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligent, Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Augmented Reality gaining widespread acceptance in various industries, it is quite evident that education too will get reshaped soon. Some of the emerging technologies that have changed the way of learning-teaching are:

Augmented reality(AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified by a computer.

With the emergence of new technologies and the widespread adoption of smartphones, educators are increasingly expected to use AR in the classroom. It is increasingly being adopted in educational settings, often to help students with complicated subjects. Another application of augmented reality in education includes teaching global perspectives through virtual field trips, enabling students to interactively engage with other cultures.

Adaptive Learning


Adaptive learning puts the learner in the driver's seat, allowing them to navigate at will through hundreds of learning paths and thousands of content items. It creates a unique experience that can’t be duplicated in a traditional classroom or online training course. “What makes adaptive learning so exciting is that it allows the course material to be customized to the learner, which creates a unique experience and the result is better and more efficient education, with an enhanced learning experience.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly with the potential to reshape the education system. Artificial intelligence can improve the educational experience and promote a culture of learning in ways once thought impossible. It can make the educational experience more engaging, more enjoyable, and more effective. In the past years, we’ve seen an explosion of interest in artificial intelligence. In the next few years, we will see even greater strides made in this field.

Read 5 tips and tricks to choose a Successful Udemy Clone Script

There are several emerging technologies that will change the way the world works and play. These technologies are not new, but now they are making it to the forefront of our lives in a much bigger way than ever before.

Other than Augmented Reality, Adaptive learning and Artificial intelligence there are more technologies such as

  • Usage of 5G Technologies in Education

  • Automation

  • Virtual reality

  • Competency-Based Education

  • Learning analytics, and

  • Gamification

Now, with all these emerging technologies how much will it cost to build an education app?

Building an Educational app and the cost can consist of various parts. The most important part is the development time and the cost of all the key features. In fact, the cost of the educational app development depends on the individual or the team's requirements of the courses and the latest trends. So, before calculating the cost you should have a clear idea of what you want or if you are going to build an app for a client then make sure to get all the relevant information that is needed. You must consider the relevant features, choice of a specific operating system, time allocation, individual functionalities, etc beforehand. 

An appropriate cost for building an education app may cost 15,000 USD - 30,000 USD, and also it may consume a lot of time, it can take up to eight to ten months.

 So, it is recommended that one may use clone scripts for developing a crisp and responsive educational app.

Clone Script such as Expert Plus LMS is one of the best Udemy Clone Script available in the market.

It has exclusive features like

  • Basic and management features: In this clone script, you get many readymade EXPERT PLUS LMS features like User Management and instructors management, Social login, Bootstrap responsive design, Multiple Payment Gateways, Website security, SEO Friendly, Transaction Management, And many more. 

  • Elearning features: There are many features in this Udemy clone PHP script such as Courses certifications, Course discussion, Modules Management, Quiz, Instructors Promotion, Admin Discounts, And many more. There are also high-tech learning features like AI-enabled tools Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to get the most out of the courses and to make it worthwhile for students to get enrolled in. 

We at BSETec, have the most qualified team of professional developers that can develop your Udemy clone app as well as the Udemy IOS app with all the customizations you desire.

You can watch the live demo of UdemY Clone Script- Expert PLus LMS here 


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